Sunday Blog

How to read the Old Testament
So, how do you read the Old Testament? Especially when there are all of these weird things like laws and killing animals and prophecies and everything. Does it even relate...
How to read the Old Testament
So, how do you read the Old Testament? Especially when there are all of these weird things like laws and killing animals and prophecies and everything. Does it even relate...

Top 10 "Did you knows" about the Bible
This week we are going to go a little lighter than normal and we are going to look at my top 10 “Did you knows” about the Bible. Number one,...
Top 10 "Did you knows" about the Bible
This week we are going to go a little lighter than normal and we are going to look at my top 10 “Did you knows” about the Bible. Number one,...

Difference between Calvinism and Arminianism
Ok we don’t normally get too deep doctrinally, but I thought having a basic understanding of Calvinism and Arminianism is important. Granted what I’m going to share isn’t super deep,...
Difference between Calvinism and Arminianism
Ok we don’t normally get too deep doctrinally, but I thought having a basic understanding of Calvinism and Arminianism is important. Granted what I’m going to share isn’t super deep,...

What is communion?
Welcome to Sunday Bible Study Basics where we help you dive deeper in your faith. So you may have been in church before and you’ve been a part of something...
What is communion?
Welcome to Sunday Bible Study Basics where we help you dive deeper in your faith. So you may have been in church before and you’ve been a part of something...

How to read the New Testament
If you’re just joining us for the first time, we also have a video on how to read the Old Testament, which may make sense to dive into first. Either...
How to read the New Testament
If you’re just joining us for the first time, we also have a video on how to read the Old Testament, which may make sense to dive into first. Either...

How to accept Jesus into your heart
HOW TO ACCEPT JESUS INTO YOUR HEART So, how do you accept Jesus into your heart? What does that mean? Welcome to Sunday Bible Study Basics where we provide weekly...
How to accept Jesus into your heart
HOW TO ACCEPT JESUS INTO YOUR HEART So, how do you accept Jesus into your heart? What does that mean? Welcome to Sunday Bible Study Basics where we provide weekly...